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About Us

A join-stock company VALERII S&M GROUP JSCo is one of the leading companies on the Bulgarian market in the business with professional and hobby tool, machines and accessories.

28 years company history is a continuous process of elaboration through of the assortiment variety as well as quality products, creating of harmoniously logistic system and commercial correctness to the client and partners.

The assortiment catalogue of  VALERII S&M GROUP JSCo consist of 15 000 items with high qualiy indexes and admitted functional effectivenessq as well as 1500 products additional assortiment. Following the world trends, the company manager team constantly renews the catalogue with new facilities, machines and supplies.

Producers from Europe, Russia and the Near East trust the partnership with VALERII S&M GROUP JSCo for succcessful imposing of their production on the Bulgarian market. On the territory of Republic of Bulgaria the company has a wide net of distributors. Franchising net PROFEL find its descent place in the business with professional and hobby tools.

The main goal and efforts of the VALERII S&M GROUP JSCo team are orientated to the European standarts in the commersial policy for permanent presence on the market and satisfaction of the clients' expectation and needs.

The innovation approach in the  commercial activity, quality and professionalism these are the main points for the success of VALERII S&M GROUP JSCo.