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Project your home find its master



For those who like to master the project starts with season 1!

For those who like to craft, the project starts with season 1!

This innovative production will turn your ideas about this type of show on its head, giving viewers an in-depth look into the world of construction and renovations.



Garden House - Workshop is our new great project - wide, bright and comfortable. Inside you can store all kinds of tools and garden accessories. If you decide, you can make it a summer residence, a tea house, a comfortable place for morning coffee, a men's lair, a place for rest and creative work. And when we're done, you'll know exactly how to build it yourself. We will show you step by step how to raise it to the roof, what tools and machines you will need and how long it will take.


Day two, the team is ready to go! In the first series we showed you how to lay the foundation of the garden house and one of the most important moments - the leveling. In episode two you will see the placement of the ridge on the roof and the cutting and installation of a window to make the house bright and cozy.


In episode three we have prepared to show you how to make and install a double door for the garden house, installation of a shelving solution for hanging machines and garden tools. We will also start laying the roof, and you watch carefully so as not to miss some of the most important tools used at work.


We already have an almost ready garden house - workshop! We have filled it with quality machines and tools that are looking forward to fulfilling your every idea for a beautiful home and garden. We begin a practical lesson on how to assemble a tiller yourself, with which to prepare the soil for seedlings and plantations.



Welcome back to our workshop, we are starting season 2 of one of the most useful TV projects for quality construction, quick repairs and master tips. Our new project is a shop! As in any commercial site, it is mandatory to have a toilet and running water. We begin episode 1 with the construction of a room that will serve as a toilet in the site.


In episode 2 we will show you: 1. How to make screed on a wall in a bathroom. 2. Laying three layers of insulation on the floor with fiberboard and glue. 3. Construction of a Ytong wall glued with Akfix polyurethane gun glue for quick installation of bricks. 4. We will briefly move on to another of our larger sites, where we are building a summer bathroom and toilet. 5. Construction of formwork and installation of reinforcement for columns, together with Akfix anchoring adhesive made of polyester for fixing metal or wooden structures, profiles, pipe joints, etc.


Започва поредният ден от пълното преобразяване на занемареното помещение в чисто и модерно място за търговия. А ето и какво ще видите в епизод 3: Полагане на първокласна, течна, еднокомпонентна хидроизолация Akfix на пода на санитарния възел. Мембраната е създадена на база на силант модифициран полимер, който предпазва от корозия и може да се нанася върху бетон, зидария, азбест, цимент, керемиди, покриви т.н. Запълване на дупки в стените чрез полиуретанов уплътнител Akfix, тип "салам" посредством пистолет. Лепилото служи за уплътняване и свързване на фуги в бетон и други строителни материали, вентилационни канали, водосточни тръби, олуци и др. Полагане на теракот чрез система за нивелация Decorex изработена от висококачествена пластмаса. Монтаж на малка мивка на стена в санитарния възел. Шпакловка с инструменти Decorex и полиране на стените на помещението с шлайф машина Premium. Изгледайте цялата серия, за да научите още много...


We are already at the final stage of the complete transformation of the neglected room into a clean and modern place for trade. And here's what you'll see in the last episode 4 of season 2: Preparing for latex painting; Laying latex with a Decorex roller; Installation of a pumping station in the sanitary sector; Installation of floor skirtings with Premium perforator Installation of switches and sockets with the help of high voltage series PREMIUM HD; Installation of a rack and positioning of plastic boxes and cassettes with the MMS brand.



The episode will show you how bricks are cut and in what innovative way we manage to join them together - using polyurethane masonry glue. While our apprentice is hard at work, we'll also hear plenty of professional advice and guidance along the way from repair veterans.


In episode 2 we will learn how to work with a soldering iron for water pipes, we will use a professional teflon gun complete with an innovative adhesive foam. Under the watchful eye of the masters, together with the Cat, we will learn many more of the secrets of the craft, professional techniques and even more interesting innovative products.


In Episode 3 of Season 3, we're putting in exterior paneling, making vents, using an incredibly quick repair kit to fill any holes and cracks. Together with our craftsmen, we install professional polyurethane foam installation to seal all windows and doors.


In it, we finish with several large projects: the bathroom, the summer kitchen, along with them we also created an entire terrace. We've followed the entire process through several stages: Stage 1 - Building Bathroom Walls. Stage 2 – Construction of columns and screed. Stage 3 – Assembling the second floor structure. Stage 4 – Laying of insulating materials. Stage 5 - Installation of windows, railings and wooden floor. Stage 6 – Building a bathroom. We have been able to show you countless techniques for your personal projects that we are sure will help you in your future endeavors.